Graphic part

All orders are shown on the chart: both those placed by the robot and those placed in another way. The robot uses LIMIT GTC and MARKET orders. Accordingly, the chart and data detailing are designed specifically for these types of orders and the BTC/USDT currency pair.
Explanations on the graphic part:

There is no automatic schedule update in the current version. If necessary, refresh the browser page: «F5» or «Ctrl + F5»

Account cost

(Available USDT + USDT in orders) +
(Available BTC + BTC in orders) * (1 – Commission/100) * Ask price by ticker
where: Commission in % corresponds to a typical Taker Commission

(Available USDT + USDT in orders) * (1 – Commission /100) / Bid price by ticker
where: Commission in % corresponds to a typical Taker Commission

The size of your commission can be viewed:

  • in the Binance personal account in the section «Dashboard» → «Your Trading Fee Level»
  • in the section «Fee Rate»