Api keys

There are no API keys at the first login to the FORT personal account.

They must be created in your Binance personal account. And, then, enter FORT in your personal account.

Creating Binance API Keys

The procedure is described in the Binance documentation:

How to Create API

You will need two dedicated keys (two API Key/Secret Key pairs):

  • the first is for reading data from an account on the stock exchange and visualizing them on the website
  • the second one is for performing trading operations by a robot

We have taken all necessary measures to keep your keys safe and inaccessible to third parties. The key for the robot is not stored on the site, immediately after entering it, it is transmitted in encrypted form to the robot and stored only there, too, in encrypted form. The site key is stored in the site infrastructure in encrypted form.


  • If you only want to control orders and account balance, it is enough to enter only «Site Keys», «Robot keys» are not needed. In this case, be sure to inform the technical support (section «Support») that you do not need a robot.
  • We strongly recommend limiting the site key to «Read Only» rights. Here’s what it looks like on Binance:

For the site key, ONLY «Enable Reading» should be selected.
This will significantly reduce your risks!

We also strongly recommend limiting the robot’s key to read-only and trade-only rights:

If you entered only the key for the robot and did NOT enter the key for the site, then the site will use the robot key (with trading rights!). In this case, the robot key will be stored in the site infrastructure in encrypted form.

We recommend that you always create and specify two separate keys in your personal account:

  • for a website – with rights only to read data and
  • for a robot – with rights only to read and perform trading operations.

Entering keys in the FORT personal account

  • In the “Key Name» fields, enter the name of the key specified in the Binance personal account.
  • In the «API Key» field, the data of the API Key string obtained when creating the key on Binance is copied.
  • In the «Secret Key» field, the data of the Secret Key string obtained when creating the key on Binance is copied.

Click «Send».
The site key is checked immediately. The results of the robot key verification come to the site within 30 seconds, you need to refresh the browser page: «F5» or «Ctrl + F5».

After checking, there are two possible options. Everything is successful, the exchange has confirmed access to account data using the specified key:

The key didn’t fit:

In case of an error in the API key, delete it in the Binance personal account and create it again with the necessary rights.

Deleting keys in the FORT personal account

Each of the keys can be deleted. To do this, click “Delete”. The site key is deleted immediately. The results of deleting the robot key come to the site within 30 seconds, you need to refresh the browser page: «F5» or «Ctrl + F5».

After deleting, a form will appear for entering new keys:

Changing keys in the FORT personal account

To change the key, click «Change Key». A form will appear to change its name and enter a new API Key / Secret Key pair. We don’t show previously entered keys.

Click “Send”. Next, the site performs the same operations as when entering a new key:

More about API keys

How to quickly break the connection of the Binance account with the robot and the site

If you urgently need to disconnect your Binance account from the site and/or the robot, you need to delete the corresponding API keys in the Binance personal account. There is a «Delete» button next to each key name.

API keys are the only link between the site and the robot with your Binance account. The control of this connection is completely in your hands. Therefore, from the moment the keys are deleted on Binance, the site will stop reading all the information from your account. And the robot will stop all operations with orders, it will not have any access to the Binance account.
Deleting API keys is one of the ways to instantly block the robot’s actions even without the FORT site.

What will the robot do when deleting the key in the Binance personal account

If you deleted the API keys through Binance’s personal account, the robot loses access to your account and, as a result, to order management. He will receive an error from the exchange.
The robot will wait for the new API key and monitor the situation on the exchange. After receiving a new valid API key, the robot will continue trading from the same order status as before losing access to your account.


If you change API keys (delete/create new ones) and intend to continue trading with the FORT robot, enter the new API keys of the robot as soon as possible – everything changes very quickly on the exchange! After a long break in the robot’s work, the restoration of its trading can have unpredictable consequences.
If you do not need to delete the keys urgently, it is better to act like this:

  • wait for the robot to finish all the «buy-sell» cycles
  • stop its work through the FORT personal account
  • recreate API keys through the Binance personal account
  • transfer new keys to the robot and the site via the FORT personal account
  • launch the robot through your personal account FORT.

If in doubt, it is better to write to Support FORT, we will try to help you solve the problem promptly.

How to restore everything after deleting the keys in the Binance personal account

API keys cannot be restored. This is the Binance rule. Instead of restoring, simply create new keys for the site and the robot in the Binance personal account and enter them on the FORT website, as indicated in this document.