Payment and transactions


The Payment section displays the date by which the Account was paid.

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Replenishment of the balance

The «Balance Replenishment» section displays the current tariff and the amount to be paid. In order to make a payment, you need to click «Pay».

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In the payment window that appears, you need to correctly fill in the required fields with the payment card data and click «Pay».

As a result, a payment will be made from the card whose parameters were specified in the payment window.

Tariff selection

It is suggested to choose one of 2 tariffs: the Start Tariff or the Optimal Tariff.
To select a tariff, click «Select» in the corresponding tariff window. This tariff will be selected.

It is allowed to change the tariff 1 time per month.

The «Select» button is inactive for the current tariff.

The «Select» button is inactive for the current tariff.
The date of the tariff setting and the time of its validity are displayed at the bottom of this section.

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Payment history

The Payment History section displays the payment dates, their sizes and the result (successful or not).